الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «مستخدم:OsamaK/أحرف كبيرة بدون إنترويكي»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
صفحة جديدة: : هذه الصفحة تعطي قائمة بالمدخلات التي تبدأ بحرف كبير بدون إنترويكي إلى النسخة الإنجليزية. # A-good...
(لا فرق)

مراجعة 17:02، 30 أبريل 2008

هذه الصفحة تعطي قائمة بالمدخلات التي تبدأ بحرف كبير بدون إنترويكي إلى النسخة الإنجليزية.
  1. A-good
  2. A-ha
  3. A-law
  4. A-line
  5. A-ok
  6. A-one
  7. A&P
  8. Aa
  9. Aadl
  10. Aam
  11. Aap
  12. Aard-vark
  13. Aard-wolf
  14. Aardvark
  15. Aardvarks
  16. Aardwolf
  17. Aarons
  18. Aaronsburg
  19. Aarp
  20. Aasu
  21. AAU
  22. Ab-
  23. Abac
  24. Abaca
  25. Abaci
  26. Abacinate
  27. Aback
  28. Abacus
  29. Abacuses
  30. Abada
  31. Abaft
  32. Abaisance
  33. Abaist
  34. Abalone
  35. Abalones
  36. Abamp
  37. Abampere
  38. Aband
  39. Abandon
  40. Abandoned
  41. Abandonedly
  42. Abandoner
  43. Abandoning
  44. Abandonment
  45. Abandons
  46. Abarim
  47. Abase
  48. Abased
  49. Abasement
  50. Abaser
  51. Abases
  52. Abash
  53. Abashed
  54. Abashedly
  55. Abashes
  56. Abashing
  57. Abashment
  58. Abasic
  59. Abasing
  60. Abatable
  61. Abate
  62. Abated
  63. Abatement
  64. Abater
  65. Abates
  66. Abating
  67. Abatis
  68. Abator
  69. Abattis
  70. Abattoir
  71. Abattoirs
  72. Abature
  73. Abaxial
  74. Abaxile
  75. Abay
  76. Abb
  77. Abba
  78. Abbacies
  79. Abbatial
  80. Abbatical
  81. Abbe number
  82. Abbe prism
  83. Abbe refractometre
  84. Abbess
  85. Abbeys
  86. Abbot
  87. Abbots
  88. Abbrev
  89. Abbreviate
  90. Abbreviated
  91. Abbreviates
  92. Abbreviating
  93. Abbreviation
  94. Abbreviations
  95. Abbreviator
  96. Abbreviatory
  97. Abbreviature
  98. Abbyville
  99. Abc
  100. Abcs
  101. Abdal
  102. Abderian
  103. Abdi
  104. Abdicable
  105. Abdicate
  106. Abdicated
  107. Abdicates
  108. Abdicating
  109. Abdication
  110. Abdicator
  111. Abdiel
  112. Abditive
  113. Abditory
  114. Abdomen
  115. Abdomens
  116. Abdominal
  117. Abdominally
  118. Abdominous
  119. Abduce
  120. Abduced
  121. Abducens
  122. Abducent
  123. Abducing
  124. Abduct
  125. Abducted
  126. Abducting
  127. Abduction
  128. Abductions
  129. Abductor
  130. Abductors
  131. Abducts
  132. Abeam
  133. Abear
  134. Abearance
  135. Abecedarian
  136. Abecedarius
  137. Abecedary
  138. Abed
  139. Abell
  140. Abelson
  141. Abende
  142. Abercrombie
  143. Aberdevine
  144. Abernathy
  145. Aberr
  146. Aberrance
  147. Aberrancy
  148. Aberrant
  149. Aberrantly
  150. Aberrate
  151. Aberration
  152. Aberrational
  153. Aberrations
  154. Aberuncate
  155. Abet
  156. Abetment
  157. Abets
  158. Abetted
  159. Abetter
  160. Abetting
  161. Abettor
  162. Abeyance
  163. Abeyant
  164. Abhominal
  165. Abhor
  166. Abhored
  167. Abhores
  168. Abhoring
  169. Abhorred
  170. Abhorrence
  171. Abhorrent
  172. Abhorrently
  173. Abhorrer
  174. Abhorrible
  175. Abhorring
  176. Abhors
  177. Abiathar
  178. Abid
  179. Abidance
  180. Abide
  181. Abided
  182. Abider
  183. Abides
  184. Abiding
  185. Abidingly
  186. Abiel
  187. Abience
  188. Abient
  189. Abietic
  190. Abiezer
  191. Abijam
  192. Abilities
  193. Ability
  194. Abime
  195. Abiogenesis
  196. Abiological
  197. Abirritation
  198. Abital
  199. Abitub
  200. Abject
  201. Abjection
  202. Abjectly
  203. Abjectness
  204. Abjudicate
  205. Abjudication
  206. Abjugate
  207. Abjunctive
  208. Abjuration
  209. Abjure
  210. Abjured
  211. Abjurer
  212. Abjures
  213. Abjuring
  214. Ablactate
  215. Ablate
  216. Ablated
  217. Ablates
  218. Ablating
  219. Ablation
  220. Ablative
  221. Ablatively
  222. Ablaut
  223. Ablaze
  224. Able-bodied
  225. Ablebodied
  226. Ablegate
  227. Ableism
  228. Ablen
  229. Ableness
  230. Ablepharia
  231. Abler
  232. Ablest
  233. Abligate
  234. Abligurition
  235. Ablins
  236. Abloom
  237. Ablude
  238. Abluent
  239. Ablush
  240. Ablution
  241. Ablutions
  242. Ably
  243. Abmho
  244. Abnegate
  245. Abnegated
  246. Abnegates
  247. Abnegating
  248. Abnegation
  249. Abnegator
  250. Abnodate
  251. Abnormal
  252. Abnormalities
  253. Abnormality
  254. Abnormally
  255. Aboard
  256. Abode
  257. Abodes
  258. Aboding
  259. Abolish
  260. Abolishable
  261. Abolished
  262. Abolisher
  263. Abolishes
  264. Abolishing
  265. Abolishment
  266. Abolition
  267. Abolitionism
  268. Abolitionist
  269. Abolitionists
  270. Aboma
  271. Abomasum
  272. Abominable
  273. Abominably
  274. Abominate
  275. Abominated
  276. Abominates
  277. Abominating
  278. Abomination
  279. Abominations
  280. Aboon
  281. Abor
  282. Aborad
  283. Aboral
  284. Abord
  285. Aboriginally
  286. Aboriginess
  287. Aborning
  288. Aborted
  289. Aborter
  290. Abortifacient
  291. Aborting
  292. Abortion
  293. Abortional
  294. Abortionist
  295. Abortions
  296. Abortive
  297. Abortively
  298. Abortiveness
  299. Aborts
  300. Abortus
  301. Abound
  302. Abounded
  303. Abounding
  304. Abounds
  305. About
  306. About-face
  307. Above
  308. Above-ground
  309. Above-mentioned
  310. Aboveboard
  311. Aboveground
  312. Abovementioned
  313. Abovesaid
  314. Abp
  315. Abr
  316. Abracadabra
  317. Abradant
  318. Abrade
  319. Abraded
  320. Abrader
  321. Abrades
  322. Abrading
  323. Abraid
  324. Abramson
  325. Abrase
  326. Abrasion
  327. Abrasions
  328. Abrasive
  329. Abrasively
  330. Abrasiveness
  331. Abrasives
  332. Abraum
  333. Abray
  334. Abreact
  335. Abreacted
  336. Abreacting
  337. Abreaction
  338. Abreactions
  339. Abreacts
  340. Abreast
  341. Abridge
  342. Abridged
  343. Abridgement
  344. Abridgements
  345. Abridger
  346. Abridges
  347. Abridging
  348. Abridgment
  349. Abroach
  350. Abroad
  351. Abrogate
  352. Abrogated
  353. Abrogates
  354. Abrogating
  355. Abrogation
  356. Abronia
  357. Abrupt
  358. Abruption
  359. Abruptly
  360. Abruptness
  361. Abrus
  362. Abscess
  363. Abscessed
  364. Abscesses
  365. Abscession
  366. Abscind
  367. Abscise
  368. Abscision
  369. Abscissa
  370. Abscissae
  371. Abscissas
  372. Abscission
  373. Abscond
  374. Absconded
  375. Abscondence
  376. Absconder
  377. Absconding
  378. Abscondment
  379. Absconds
  380. Absence
  381. Absences
  382. Absent
  383. Absent-minded
  384. Absent-mindedly
  385. Absented
  386. Absentee
  387. Absenteeism
  388. Absentees
  389. Absentia
  390. Absenting
  391. Absently
  392. Absentminded
  393. Absentmindedly
  394. Absentmindedness
  395. Absents
  396. Abset
  397. Absinth
  398. Absinthe
  399. Absinthium
  400. Absis
  401. Absist
  402. Absolutely
  403. Absoluteness
  404. Absolutism
  405. Absolutist
  406. Absolutory
  407. Absolvable
  408. Absolve
  409. Absolved
  410. Absolver
  411. Absolves
  412. Absolving
  413. Absonous
  414. Absorb
  415. Absorbability
  416. Absorbable
  417. Absorbed
  418. Absorbedly
  419. Absorbency
  420. Absorbent
  421. Absorbents
  422. Absorber
  423. Absorbing
  424. Absorbingly
  425. Absorbition
  426. Absorbs
  427. Absorptance
  428. Absorption
  429. Absorptive
  430. Absorptiveness
  431. Absquatulate
  432. Abstain
  433. Abstained
  434. Abstainer
  435. Abstaining
  436. Abstains
  437. Abstemious
  438. Abstemiously
  439. Abstemiousness
  440. Abstention
  441. Abstentions
  442. Abstentious
  443. Absterge
  444. Abstergent
  445. Abstersion
  446. Abstersive
  447. Abstinence
  448. Abstinency
  449. Abstinent
  450. Abstinently
  451. Abstract
  452. Abstracted
  453. Abstractedly
  454. Abstractedness
  455. Abstracter
  456. Abstracting
  457. Abstraction
  458. Abstractionism
  459. Abstractionist
  460. Abstractions
  461. Abstractive
  462. Abstractly
  463. Abstractness
  464. Abstractor
  465. Abwesende
  466. ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol
  467. ACM
  468. ActiveX
  469. ActiveX ActiveX
  470. Activity-mass formula
  471. Address book
  472. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  473. Advanced gas reactor(AGR)
  474. Affrica
  475. Afraic
  476. Afrikë
  477. AFS Andrew File System
  478. Agnatha
  479. Agropyron
  480. Aleppo
  481. Alkaligenes
  482. Alternaria
  483. American Broadcasting Company
  484. Ampere law
  485. Ampere rule
  486. Amt
  487. AND-OR gate
  488. AND circuit
  489. AND gate
  490. AND NOT gate
  491. Angstrom
  492. ANI Automatic Number Identification
  493. ANSI American National Standards Institute
  494. Anti conformation
  495. Antwort
  496. Anxiety
  497. API Application Programming Interface
  498. AppleTalk
  499. Appropriate
  500. ARA Apple Remote Access
  501. Archive
  502. ARCO
  503. Argillaceous rocks
  504. ARJ
  505. ARP Address Resolution Protocol
  506. ARPA
  507. ArpaNet
  508. ArpaNet ArpaNet
  509. Artig
  510. Artikel
  511. Arzneien
  512. AS Autonomous System
  513. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  514. ASP Active Server Pages
  515. ASPI American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  516. Astrologen
  517. Asynchronous Asynchronous
  518. ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  519. ATTN
  520. Auch
  521. Auf
  522. Aufbau
  523. Auger effect
  524. Auger electron spectroscopy
  525. AUI Attachment Unit Interface
  526. Aunt
  527. Authentication
  528. Authentication non
  529. Avogadro's constant
  530. Avogadro number
  531. Awasse Ewes
  532. Awassi sheep
  533. AWG American Wire Gauge
  534. B-cell
  535. B-lymphocyte
  536. B&W
  537. Babinet Compensator
  538. Babinet Point
  539. Babinet principle
  540. Back electromotive force
  541. Back noise
  542. Backdoor
  543. Banach algebra
  544. Banach Space
  545. Barkhansen effect
  546. Barlow lens
  547. Barlow’s rule
  548. Baumé degree
  549. Baumé scale
  550. Bedeutung
  551. Begründung
  552. Bekleidung
  553. Belçîka
  554. Berkelium (Bk)
  555. Bernoulli equation
  556. Bernoulli law
  557. Berthelot equation
  558. Bessemer Converter
  559. Bessemer iron
  560. Bessemer stee
  561. Besuch
  562. Beta cell
  563. Bewegung
  564. BINHEX
  565. BIOS Basic Input/Output System
  566. Biot-Savart formula
  567. BISYNC
  568. Bit
  569. Bits Per Second bps
  570. Blick
  571. Bloch's theorem
  572. Bloch function
  573. Bloch Wall
  574. Bohr radius
  575. Boltzmann constant
  576. Boltzmann distribution
  577. Boltzmann Statistics
  578. Border Gateway Protocol BGP
  579. Boron (B)
  580. Bose-Einstein statistics
  581. Bose condensation
  582. Boyle’s law
  583. Brackett Series
  584. Bradley aberration
  585. Bragg diffraction
  586. Bragg spectrometer
  587. Bravais indices
  588. Bravais lattice
  589. Brewster's angle
  590. Brewster's window
  591. Briefe
  592. Brillouin scattering
  593. Brillouin zone
  594. Broken/wiktionary:English index a
  595. Broken/wiktionary:German index a
  596. Broken/أَبَقَ
  597. Buch
  598. Buchstabe
  599. Bulletin Board System BBS
  600. Bürger
  601. Busen
  602. Business Continuation Volume BCV
  603. Byes
  604. Bygone
  605. Bylaw
  606. Bylaws
  607. Byline
  608. Bylines
  609. Bypass
  610. Cable News Network
  611. Cairus
  612. Carnot cycle
  613. Casablanca
  614. Cavitation
  615. Central Processing Unit CPU
  616. Cerenkov counter
  617. Cesium
  618. Channel Service Unit CSU
  619. Chariot
  620. Chasm
  621. Cockraft-Walton accelerator
  622. Component Object Model
  623. Compton electron
  624. Cookie
  625. Cool
  626. Cooper pairs
  627. Coriolis acceleration
  628. Coulomb barrier radius
  629. Coulomb field
  630. Coulomb interaction
  631. Coulomb oblateness
  632. Coulomb potential barrier
  633. Coulomb potential energy
  634. Coulomb repulsive force
  635. Coulonb attraction
  636. Coulonb potetntial
  637. Cross-Over
  638. Cryptography
  639. Curie temperature
  640. Customer Premise Equipment CPE
  641. Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC
  642. Dalton’s atomic theory
  643. Dankbarkeit
  644. Danke
  645. Debye length
  646. Debye shielding distance
  647. Debye temperature
  648. Debye unit
  649. DECIS
  650. Deign
  651. Deutsche
  652. Dienstmädchen
  653. Digital Subscriber Line
  654. Digital Versatile Disc
  655. Dirac fields
  656. Dirac theory
  657. DNA fingerprint
  658. DNA markers
  659. DNA sequences
  660. DNA synthesis
  661. Domain name system
  662. Doppler broadening
  663. Doppler cooling
  664. Doppler shift
  665. Doppler width
  666. Down syndrom
  667. Durst
  668. Ear
  669. Economics
  670. EDPM
  671. Ehebruch
  672. Ehefrauen
  673. Ehegatte
  674. Ehre
  675. Ei
  676. Einladung
  677. Eltern
  678. Englisch
  679. Entwicklung
  680. Erinnerungen
  681. Etat
  682. Euclidian geometry
  683. Existance
  684. Fabric
  685. Fächer
  686. Fahne
  687. FALSE
  688. Falten
  689. Familie
  690. Faraday-Maxwell electrodynamics
  691. Farbe
  692. Faulheit
  693. Fehling test
  694. Fehling’s solution
  695. Feier
  696. Feige
  697. Feind
  698. Fermat's principle
  699. Fermi-Dirac statistics
  700. Fermi age
  701. Fermi gas model
  702. Fermi level
  703. Fermi plot
  704. Fermi radiation
  705. Fermi theory of beta decay
  706. Feuer
  707. Feuerbrand
  708. Fieber
  709. Figur
  710. Fisch
  711. Fizeau fringes
  712. Flameless
  713. Flapper
  714. Flare angle
  715. Flares
  716. Fleisch
  717. Fliegen
  718. Flügel
  719. Fluorescent
  720. Fluß
  721. Frage
  722. Fräulein
  723. Freiheit
  724. Frieden
  725. Früchte
  726. Fuß
  727. Garten
  728. Gast
  729. Gato
  730. Geburtstag
  731. Gedächtnis
  732. Geduld
  733. Gefühle
  734. Gehirn
  735. Geiz
  736. Geliebter
  737. Gesetz
  738. Gesicht
  739. Gewicht
  740. Gipfel
  741. Giza
  742. Glocke
  743. Glück
  744. Gott
  745. Goverment
  746. Grand-père
  747. Grenze
  748. Griechenland
  749. Group
  750. Grüße
  751. Haß
  752. Hausbesitzer
  753. Heirat
  754. Hund
  755. Hundert
  756. Indien
  757. It's raining cats and dogs
  758. Italien
  759. Jäger
  760. Jahr
  761. Jeddah
  762. Jungfrau
  763. Kaboom
  764. Kaddish
  765. Kafka
  766. Kaiman
  767. Kajar
  768. Kaku
  769. Kale
  770. Kaleidoscope
  771. Kaleidoscopic
  772. Kalman filter
  773. Kalmuk
  774. Kamchatka
  775. Kamikaze
  776. Kamikazes
  777. Kane
  778. Kangaroo
  779. Kangaroos
  780. Kankakee
  781. Kant
  782. Kaolin
  783. Kaolinite
  784. Kaplan
  785. Kappa
  786. Karamazov
  787. Karats
  788. Karma
  789. Karnak
  790. Karol
  791. Karp
  792. Kaskaskia
  793. Katmandu
  794. Katowice
  795. Katz
  796. Kauf
  797. Kauffman
  798. Kaufman
  799. Kava
  800. Kayo
  801. Kazoo
  802. Kazoos
  803. KBabel
  804. KBabelDict
  805. KBanner
  806. KBlankScreen
  807. KBlob
  808. Kbps
  809. KBs
  810. Kbytes
  811. Kcal
  812. KCardtest
  813. Kcmkwindecoration
  814. KCron
  815. KDontChangeTheHostName
  816. Keaton
  817. Keats
  818. Kebob
  819. Keddah
  820. Kedges
  821. Keel
  822. Keeled
  823. Keeler
  824. Keeling
  825. Keels
  826. Keelson
  827. Keen
  828. Keen-eyed
  829. Keenan
  830. Keener
  831. Keenest
  832. Keening
  833. Keenly
  834. Keenness
  835. Keep
  836. Keeper
  837. Keeping
  838. Keeps
  839. Keepsake
  840. Keeshond
  841. Keg
  842. Kegs
  843. Kelley
  844. Kellogg
  845. Keloid
  846. Kelp
  847. Kelvin
  848. Kemp
  849. Kenilworth
  850. Kennan
  851. Kennecott
  852. Kennel
  853. Kenneled
  854. Kenneling
  855. Kennels
  856. Kenney
  857. Kenning
  858. Keno
  859. Kenosha
  860. Kens
  861. Kenton
  862. Kenyon
  863. Kepler
  864. Kepler’s laws
  865. Keplerian motion
  866. Kept
  867. Keratin
  868. Keratitis
  869. Kerb
  870. Kerbstone
  871. Kerchief
  872. Kerchiefed
  873. Kerchiefs
  874. Kernal
  875. Kernel
  876. Kernels
  877. Kernighan
  878. Kerning
  879. Kerosene
  880. Kerr
  881. Kerygma
  882. Kessler
  883. Kestrel
  884. Ketch
  885. Ketchup
  886. Ketone
  887. Ketosis
  888. Kette
  889. Kettering
  890. Kettle
  891. Kettledrum
  892. Kettles
  893. KEuroCalc
  894. Kewaskum
  895. Kewaunee
  896. Key
  897. Key-driven
  898. Key-note
  899. Key-stroke
  900. Keyboard
  901. Keyboard-controlled
  902. Keyboard-operated
  903. Keyboarder
  904. Keyboarding
  905. Keyboards
  906. Keyed
  907. Keyes
  908. Keyhole
  909. Keyholes
  910. Keying
  911. Keymap
  912. Keymaps
  913. Keynote
  914. Keynoter
  915. Keynotes
  916. Keypad
  917. Keypads
  918. Keypress
  919. Keypunch
  920. Keypunched
  921. Keypuncher
  922. Keypunches
  923. Keypunching
  924. Keys
  925. Keystone
  926. Keystones
  927. Keystroke
  928. Keystrokes
  929. Keyword
  930. KeywordExpression
  931. Keywords
  932. Keyz
  933. KFloppy
  934. Khaki
  935. KHz
  936. Kibble
  937. Kibbled
  938. Kibbles
  939. Kibbling
  940. Kibbutzim
  941. Kibitz
  942. Kibitzer
  943. Kick
  944. Kickapoo
  945. Kickback
  946. Kickbacks
  947. Kicked
  948. Kickers
  949. Kicking
  950. Kickoff
  951. Kickoffs
  952. Kicks
  953. Kickstarter
  954. Kid
  955. Kidde
  956. Kidded
  957. Kidder
  958. Kiddie
  959. Kiddies
  960. Kidding
  961. Kiddingly
  962. Kiddy
  963. Kidnap
  964. Kidnaped
  965. Kidnaper
  966. Kidnapers
  967. Kidnaping
  968. Kidnapped
  969. Kidnapper
  970. Kidnappers
  971. Kidnapping
  972. Kidnappings
  973. Kidnaps
  974. Kidney
  975. Kidneys
  976. Kids
  977. Kidskin
  978. Kieffer
  979. Kilgore
  980. Killable
  981. Killdeer
  982. Killebrew
  983. Killed
  984. Killers
  985. Killing
  986. Killingly
  987. Killings
  988. Killjoy
  989. Kills
  990. Kilobaud
  991. Kilobit
  992. Kilobits
  993. Kilobuck
  994. Kilobyte
  995. Kilobytes
  996. Kilocycle
  997. Kilogauss
  998. Kilogram
  999. Kilograms
  1000. Kilohertz
  1001. Kilohm
  1002. Kilojoule
  1003. Kilometer
  1004. Kilometers
  1005. Kilometre
  1006. Kilometres
  1007. Kiloton
  1008. Kilotons
  1009. Kilovolt
  1010. Kilovolts
  1011. Kilowatt
  1012. Kilowatts
  1013. Kilt
  1014. Kilter
  1015. Kilts
  1016. Kimball
  1017. Kimono
  1018. Kin
  1019. Kindest
  1020. Kindhearted
  1021. Kindheartedly
  1022. Kindheartedness
  1023. Kindle
  1024. Kindled
  1025. Kindler
  1026. Kindles
  1027. Kindlier
  1028. Kindliest
  1029. Kindliness
  1030. Kindling
  1031. Kindly
  1032. Kindness
  1033. Kindnesses
  1034. Kindred
  1035. Kinds
  1036. Kinematic
  1037. Kinematical
  1038. Kinematically
  1039. Kinematics
  1040. Kinesic
  1041. Kinesics
  1042. Kinesthesis
  1043. Kinesthetic
  1044. Kinesthetically
  1045. Kinesthetics
  1046. Kinetic
  1047. Kinetics
  1048. Kingbird
  1049. Kingdom
  1050. Kingdom-come
  1051. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  1052. Kingdoms
  1053. Kingfisher
  1054. Kingfishers
  1055. Kinglet
  1056. Kinglier
  1057. Kinglike
  1058. Kingliness
  1059. Kingly
  1060. Kingpin
  1061. Kingsbury
  1062. Kingship
  1063. Kingsize
  1064. Kingsley
  1065. Kingwood
  1066. Kink
  1067. Kinked
  1068. Kinkier
  1069. Kinkiest
  1070. Kinkiness
  1071. Kinking
  1072. Kinks
  1073. Kinky
  1074. Kinney
  1075. Kins
  1076. Kinsey
  1077. Kinsfolk
  1078. Kinship
  1079. Kinsman
  1080. Kinsmen
  1081. Kinswoman
  1082. Kinswomen
  1083. Kiosks
  1084. Kiowa
  1085. Kipling
  1086. Kipper
  1087. Kippers
  1088. Kirby
  1089. Kirchner
  1090. Kirchoff
  1091. Kirkland
  1092. Kirkpatrick
  1093. Kirkwood
  1094. Kirov
  1095. Kirsch
  1096. Kirundi
  1097. Kismet
  1098. Kiss
  1099. Kissable
  1100. Kissed
  1101. Kisser
  1102. Kissers
  1103. Kisses
  1104. Kissing
  1105. Kissings
  1106. Kit
  1107. Kitakyushu
  1108. Kitchen
  1109. Kitchener
  1110. Kitchenette
  1111. Kitchenettes
  1112. Kitty
  1113. Klavier
  1114. Klein
  1115. KLettres
  1116. KLines
  1117. KLorenz
  1118. Km
  1119. Knee
  1120. Knott
  1121. Knudsen
  1122. Knudson
  1123. KOdometer
  1124. Koenig
  1125. Kompliment
  1126. Königen
  1127. Kowloon
  1128. KPackage
  1129. KPolygon
  1130. KPPP
  1131. Krause
  1132. Kris
  1133. Ksa
  1134. KSA
  1135. KSlideshow
  1136. KStars
  1137. KTimer
  1138. Ku
  1139. Kudo
  1140. Kulak
  1141. Kumquat
  1142. Kunst
  1143. Kuru
  1144. KUser
  1145. Lächeln
  1146. Language
  1147. Liebe
  1148. Lüge
  1149. Misr
  1150. Mondscheins
  1151. Nachbarn
  1152. Nachts
  1153. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  1154. Nephew
  1155. Neues
  1156. Noir
  1157. Nom
  1158. Nombre
  1159. Non
  1160. Nuage
  1161. Olivenöl
  1162. Osama
  1163. Parfum
  1164. Perro
  1165. Petit
  1166. Philosophy
  1167. Phrasal Verbs
  1168. Politics
  1169. Pomme
  1170. Porte
  1171. Porte-avion
  1172. Priest
  1173. Procurement
  1174. Pulmonary edema
  1175. Pulsschlag
  1176. Regenwasser
  1177. Render
  1178. Reste
  1179. Rettung
  1180. RP Address Resolution Protocol
  1181. Rückkehr
  1182. Server
  1183. Take away
  1184. Take over
  1185. Tangier
  1186. Theoretic
  1187. Theoretical
  1188. Tians
  1189. Tischler
  1190. Translator
  1191. Village
  1192. X-axis
  1193. Ziehharmonika