الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «dice»

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ط iwiki +kn:dice
لا ملخص تعديل
سطر 1:
* {{enPR|dīs}}
السطر 8 ⟵ 6:
* {{audio|en-us-dice.ogg|Audio (US)}}
* {{rhymes|aɪs}}
{{جمع - مفردها |[[die]]}}
#[[زَهْرَات]] بمعنى الجمع من [[زَهْر]] التي يُلْعَبُ بها.
# {{form of|one of the two plurals|die#Noun|die}}
#في العامية: تستخدم للمفرد والجمع.
#* '''1972''', (translation), ''Einstein: The Life and Times'', Avon Books
#*: I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw '''dice'''.
#** '''1926''' December 12, Albert Einstein, letter to Max Born
#**: ''Jedenfalls bin ich überzeugt, dass der Alte nicht würfelt.''
# {{colloquial}} An alternative singular of ''[[die]]'' when the plural is ''[[dice]]''.
#* '''1980''', Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, “The Winner Takes It All”, ''Super Trouper'', Polar Music
#*: The gods may throw a '''dice''' / Their minds as cold as ice
====Usage notes====
The singular usage is considered incorrect by many authorities. However, it should be noted that some authoritative sources state that “In modern standard English, the singular die (rather than dice) is uncommon. Dice is used for both the singular and the plural.”
# {{transitive}} To [[cut]] into small [[cube]]s.
{{trans-top|to cut into small cubes}}
* Dutch: [[in#Dutch|in]] [[blok]]jes {{t+|nl|snijden}}
* Finnish: [[kuutioida]], [[leikata kuutioiksi]]
* German: [[in]] [[Würfel]] [[schneiden]], [[würfeln]]
* Polish: [[kroić w kostkę]]
* Russian: [[нарезать]] [[кубик|кубиками]]
===Related terms===
* [[dicey]]
===See also===
* [[no dice]]
* [[dice with death]]
[[Category:Disputed usage]]
[[تصنيف:جمع - إنكليزية]]
[[Category:English transitive verbs]]
[[Category:English words affected by prescriptivism]]
#صيغة المضارع المفرد الغائب من [[dire]]
===Verb form===
{{infl|it|verb form|infinitive|dire}}
# {{italbrac|[[third person singular|Third-person singular]] [[present tense]] of [[dire]]}} [[says|Says]].
# {{es-verb form of|mood=ind|tense=pres|num=s|pers=3|ending=ir|verb=[[decir]]}}
#* {{sense|“says”}} '''1856''', Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, ''Don Quijote de la Mancha, Tomo II, Capítulo XXXII'':
#*: Digo, señor Don Quijote, dijo la Duquesa, que en todo cuanto vuesa merced '''dice''' va con pie de plomo, y como suele decirse, con la sonda en la mano; y que yo desde aqui adelante creeré, [...] que hay Dulcinea en el Toboso, [...] merecedora que un tal caballero como es el señor Don Quijote la sirva, que es lo mas que puedo ni sé encarecer.
#*:: “I say, Sir Don Quixote,” said the duchess, “that in all your mercy '''says''', he goes with leaden feet, and as the saying goes, with sounding plummet in hand; and that I henceforth will believe, [...] that there is a Dulcinea in El Toboso, [...] deserving of such a knight as Sir Don Quixote in her service, which is the highest praise that I can give her.”