فِي ٱللُّغَةِ ٱلْإِنْجْلِيزِيَّةِ: عدل

ويكيبيديا الإنجليزية تحتوي على مقالة عن:

Etymology عدل

From قالب:F. boules

اسم عدل


  1. صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا boule
  2. bowls; games played with metal balls.

Quotations عدل

  • 2005, Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty, Bloomsbury Publishing, paperback edition, page 274
    Wani had been wet about the game until he turned out to be good at it, and now he was absorbed and unironical , tripping after the ball, yapping and grinning when he bombed the other boules away from the jack-ball, or cochonnet.

Translations عدل

Translations عدل

فرنسية عدل

اسم عدل

boules مؤ.

  1. صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا boule