انظر أيضًا: Torte

فِي ٱللُّغَةِ ٱلْإِنْجْلِيزِيَّةِ: عدل

Etymology عدل

From German Torte

اسم عدل


  1. a rich, dense cake, typically made with many eggs and relatively little flour (as opposed to a sponge cake or gâteau)

Translations عدل

Etymology 1 عدل

اسم عدل


  1. صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا torta#Italian

Etymology 2 عدل

Adjective عدل

torte ج.

  1. قالب:feminine of

Verb form عدل


  1. feminine plural past participle of torcere