فِي ٱللُّغَةِ ٱلْإِنْجْلِيزِيَّةِ: عدل

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  1. صِيغَةُ جَمْعٍ مُفْرَدُهَا wing
  2. قالب:plural only The unseen area each side of a stage.
  3. قالب:plural only The insignia of a qualified pilot or aircrew member.
    • 2004: Chris Wallace, Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage
      Anyone and everyone with wings - press officers, operations specialists, even General Curtis LeMay, commander of the U.S. Air Force in Europe - was put on flight duty and took turns flying double shifts for "Operation Vittles."

فعل عدل


  1. صِيْغَةُ المُضَارِعِ البَسِيْطِ المُفْرَدِ الغَائِبِ للفِعْل wing.