ويكاموس:فهرس إنكليزي e
A• B• C• D• E• F• G• H• I• J• K• L• M• N• O• P• Q• R• S• T• U• V• W• X• Y• Z
عدل- each
- each other
- eager
- eager,earlier-than
- earliest
- earmark
- earn
- earn one's living
- earner
- earnest
- earnestness
- earring
- ear-splitting
- earth
- earth etc, lump
- earth, land
- Ear
- earth, world
- earthenware
- earthly
- earthquake
- earthworm
- earthworm, worm
- earwig
- ease
- ease up
- ease, facility
- easel
- easily excited
- easily nauseated, squeamish
- easily tickled, ticklish
- easing without curing, palliate
- east
- easter
- eastern
- easterner
- easy
- easy, simple
- easy-chair
- easygoing
- eat
- eat one's fill
- eat up, scoff down
- eat, consume
- eat, hog
- eat, scoff
- eat, taste
- eat, tuck-in
- eatable
- eater
- eating
- eat-me
- eat-out
- eau
- eavesdrop
عدل- ecce, see
- eccentric
- eccentricity, oddity
- eccles, communicant
- eccles, feast
- eccles, mass
- eccles, see
- ecclesiastic
- ecclesiastical
- ecclesiastically
- echelon
- echo
- eclipse
- ecological
- ecologically
- ecologist
- ecology
- econometrics
- econometry
- economic
- economical
- economics
- economist
- economize
- economy
- economy, saving
- ecstasy
- ecstatic
- ecumenical
- ecumenically
- eczema
عدل- elaborate
- elaborate, work-out
- elaboration
- elapse
- elastic
- elastic, tensile
- elasticity
- elasticity, stretch
- elate
- elated
- elated-with
- elbow
- elbow-forward
- elbow-grease
- elder
- elderly
- eldest
- elec, battery
- elec, breaker
- elec, cell
- elec, feedback
- elec, pole
- elec, polyphase
- elec, sensor
- elec, switch
- elec, torch
- elect
- election
- electioneering
- elector
- electoral
- electorate
- electric
- electric shock
- electrical
- electrical engineering
- electrician
- electricity
- electricity, watt
- electrocute
- electrocution
- electrode
- electrolysis
- electrolytic
- electron
- electronic
- elegance
- elegant
- elegant, smart
- element
- elementary
- elementary education
- elementary school
- elementary, textbook
- elephant
- elephant's, trunk
- elevate
- elevated, high
- elevation
- elevator
- eleven
- elf
- elicit
- elicit
- eligible
- eliminate
- elimination
- elite
- -eller, jeweler
- -ellery, jewelry
- -ellous, libelous
- elocution
- elope
- elopement
- eloquence
- eloquent
- else
- else
- else-where
- elucidate
- elucidation
- elude
- elusive
عدل- emaciated
- emanate
- emancipate
- emancipation
- emasculate
- embalm
- embalming
- embankment
- embarassed
- embarassment
- embargo
- embark
- embark, ship
- embarkation
- embarkation, shipment
- embarrass
- embarrassing
- embart-upon-an-enterprise
- embassy
- embattled
- embed, house
- embellish
- embellishment
- embers
- embezzle
- embezzlement
- embezzler
- embitter
- embitter to make bitter
- emblem
- embodiment
- embody
- embolden
- embolism
- emboss
- embrace
- embrace, clasp
- embroider
- embroidery
- embryo
- embryonic
- emend
- emendation
- emerald
- emerald
- emerald-green
- emerge
- emergence
- emergency
- emergency-exit
- emerging
- emerging-nation
- emery-paper
- emetic
- emigrate
- emigration
- eminence
- eminent
- eminent, great
- eminent, outstanding
- emissary
- emission
- emit
- emit, send off
- emotion
- emotion, bitter
- emotional
- emotionally
- emotionally, touch
- emperor
- emperor Justinian's compilation of Roman Law, Pandects
- emphasis
- emphasis, stress
- emphasize
- emphatic
- emphatic pron, ourselves
- emphatic pronoun, yourself
- emphatic, myself
- empire
- empirical
- empirically
- employ
- employ, occuation
- employee
- employee, official
- employees, staff
- employer
- employment
- employment, job
- employment-agency
- employment-bureau
- empower
- empress
- emptiness
- empty
- empty, inane
- empty, turn-out
- empty-handed
- emu
- emulate
- emulation
- emulator
- emulsion
عدل- enable
- enact
- enamel
- encamp
- encampment
- encampment, camp
- enchant
- enchant, ravish
- enchanting
- enchantment
- encircle
- enclosed
- enclosed space, enclosure
- enclosure, field
- encounter
- encourage
- encourage, buck-up
- encourage, foster
- encouragement
- encroach
- encumcer
- encyclical
- end
- end, stub
- end, tip
- endanger
- endear
- endeavour
- endemic
- ending
- endless
- endlessly
- endow
- endowment
- endurance
- endurance-test
- endure
- endure, bear
- endure, persist
- enemy
- energetic
- energize
- energy
- energy, drive
- energy, zip
- enfold
- enforce
- enforceable
- enforcement
- engaged
- engagement
- engaging
- engine
- engine-driver
- engineering
- engine-trouble
- England
- English
- English-man
- engrave
- engraving
- engraving, print
- engross
- engrossed
- engulf
- enhance
- enigma
- enigmatic
- enjoy-oneself
- enlarge
- enlargement
- enlargement, swelling
- enlarger
- enlighten
- enlightenment
- enlist
- enlist, join up
- enlistment
- enliven
- en-masse
- enmity
- ennui
- enormity
- enormous
- enough
- enough, fairly
- enough, more-than
- enough-time
- enquire
- enquire, ask
- enquirer
- enquiry
- enquiry-office
- enrage
- enrich
- enrichment
- enrolment
- en-route
- ensemble
- ensign
- enslave
- ensnare
- ensue
- ensure
- entablature
- entail
- entangle
- entanglement
- entente
- enter
- enter
- enter fast, run-in
- enter in index, index
- enter, drive-in
- enterprise
- enterprising
- enthral
- enthuse
- enthusiasm
- enthusiasm, addiction
- enthusiasm, craze
- enthusiast
- enthusiast, addict
- enthusiastic
- entice
- enticement
- entire
- entirely
- entirely, quite
- entitle
- entity
- entourage
- entrails
- entrance
- entrance concession, admission
- entrance, hall
- entrant
- entreat
- entreat, beg
- entreat, plead
- entreaty
- entreaty, plea
- entreaty, prayer
- entree
- entrepreneur
- entrust
- entrust, charge
- entry, item
- entwine
- enumerate
- enumeration
- enunciate
- envelop
- envelope
- enviable
- envious
- environment
- environment, ambiance
- envisage
- envoy
- envy
- envy, begrudge
عدل- equable
- equal
- equal and nobleman, peer
- equal, even
- equal, match
- equality
- equalize
- equally
- equals
- equal-to
- equanimity
- equate
- equation
- equator
- equatorial
- equestrian
- equidistant
- equilateral
- equilaterally
- equilibrium
- equilibrium, balance
- equinox
- equip
- equip with electricity, electrify
- equip, rig
- equipment
- equipment, accoutrements
- equipment, gear
- equitable
- equity
- equivalent
- equivocal
عدل- escalate
- escalation
- escalator
- escapade
- escape
- escape, break-out
- escape, flight
- escape, fly
- escapism
- eschew
- escort
- escutcheon
- eskimo
- esophagus
- esoteric
- esp mental, pain
- especial
- especially
- espionage
- esplanade
- espouse
- espy
- essay
- essence
- essential
- essential, vital
- essentially
- establish, found
- establish, set-up
- establishment
- estate, housing
- estate-agency
- esteem
- estimate
- estimate value of, value
- estimate, judge
- estimation
- Estonian
- estrange
- estrangement
- estuary
عدل- evacuate
- evacuation
- evade
- evaluate
- evaluate, assess
- evaluation
- evaluation, assessment
- evanescent
- evangelical
- evangelist
- evangelize
- evaporate
- evaporation
- evasion
- evasive
- even
- even or equal with another, quits
- even, smooth
- eveness
- even-handed
- even-if
- evening
- evening, eve
- evening-dress
- evenly
- evenness, flatness
- event
- event, case
- even-tempered
- eventful
- eventual
- eventuality
- eventually
- eventuate
- Even Steven
- even-yet
- ever-green
- ever-lasting
- ever-more
- eversion
- evert
- every
- every - month, other
- every now and then
- everybody
- everyone
- everyone else
- everything
- everything else
- everything the - of it, lot
- every-where
- everywhere, over
- evict
- eviction
- evidence
- evidence, sieve
- evidence, witness
- evident
- evidently
- evil
- evil, vice
- evil-deed
- evil-spirit
- evocative
- evoke
- evolution
- evolve
عدل- exacerbate
- exact
- exact, accurate
- exact, nice
- exact, right
- exacting
- exactitude
- exactly, just
- exactly, quite
- exactness, niceness
- exaggerate
- exaggeration
- exalt
- exalted
- exam, final
- examination
- examination, paper
- Existance
- examination, review
- examination, test
- examine, reversal
- examine, scan
- example
- example, instance
- exasperate
- exasperation
- excavate
- excavation
- excavator
- exceed
- exceed, overrun
- exceeding
- exceedingly
- excellence
- excellency
- excellent
- excellent, far-out
- except
- excepting
- exception
- exceptional
- exceptionally
- excerpt
- excess
- excess-fare
- excess-fat
- excessive
- excessively too - , much
- excessively, too
- exchange
- exchange, switch
- exchequer
- excise
- excitabile
- excite, rouse
- excite, stir-up
- excite, work-up
- excited
- excitement
- exciting
- exclaim
- exclamation
- exclamation mark
- exclude
- exclude, bar
- exclude, bar
- excluding
- exclusion
- exclusive
- exclusively
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- excrescence
- excrement
- excrete
- excretion
- excruciating
- exculpate
- excursion
- excursion, drive
- excursion, trip
- excuse
- excuse me
- excuse, plea
- excuse, plead
- execute
- execute, carry-out
- execute, shoot
- execution
- executioner
- executive
- executor
- exemplary
- exemplify
- exempt
- exempt, free
- exemption
- exercise
- exercise guardianship, tutor
- exercise, practice
- exercise-book
- exercise-patience
- exert
- exert pressure, press
- exert-influence-on
- exertion
- exert-oneself
- exhale
- exhale die, expire
- exhaust
- exhaust
- exhaust, drain
- exhausted, give-out
- exhausted, give-out
- exhaust-pipe
- exhibit
- exhibit, display
- exhibit, show
- exhibition
- exhibition, show
- exhibitionist
- exhibitor
- exhilarating
- exhort
- exhume
- ex-husband
- exiguous
- exile
- exile, banish
- exile, banish
- exist
- existence
- existent
- exit
- exit, way out
- exodus
- ex-officio
- exonerate
- exorbitant
- exorcism
- exorcist
- exorcize
- exotic
- expand
- expanse
- expansion
- expatriate
- expatriation
- expect
- expect, anticipate
- expectant
- expectation
- expectation, anticipation
- expedient
- expedition
- expel
- expel, dislodge
- expel, put-out
- expend
- expenditure
- expense
- expensive
- expensive, dear
- experience
- experienced
- experiment
- experimental
- experimental stage
- experimentally
- expert
- expert in chemistry, chemist
- expert, adroit
- expert, connoisseur
- expert, cracker
- expert, practitioner
- expertise
- expiate
- expiation
- expire, run-out
- expired
- expiring
- expiry
- explain
- explain, clear-up
- explain, clear-up
- explain, gloss
- explanation
- expletive
- explicit
- explode
- explode, blow-up
- explode, go-off
- exploit
- exploit, milk
- exploitation
- exploiter
- exploration
- explore
- explorer
- explosion
- explosive
- export
- exportation
- exporter
- exposure
- expound
- ex-president
- express
- express an opinion
- express, couch
- express, phrase
- expression
- expression period boundary, term
- expression, language
- expressive
- expressly
- expressway
- expropriate
- expulsion
- expurgate
- exquisite
- extant
- extemporaneously
- extempore
- extemporize
- extend
- extend, renew
- extension
- extensive
- extent
- extent, range
- extenuating
- exterior
- exterminate
- extermination
- external
- externally
- extinct
- extinction
- extinguish
- extinguish, douse
- extinguisher
- extol
- extort
- extortion
- extortionate
- extra
- extra information, side-light
- extract
- extract, take-out
- extraction
- extradite
- extradition
- extrafamous
- extramural
- extraneous
- extraordinarily
- extraordinary
- extraordinary, terrific
- extras
- extreme
- extremely
- extremist
- extricate
- extrinsic
- extrovert
- extrude
- extruded
- extruding
- extrusion
- extrusive
- exuberance
- exuberant
- exude
- exuded
- exult
- ex-wife