ويكاموس:فهرس إنكليزي h
A• B• C• D• E• F• G• H• I• J• K• L• M• N• O• P• Q• R• S• T• U• V• W• X• Y• Z
A• B• C• D• E• F• G• H• I• J• K• L• M• N• O• P• Q• R• S• T• U• V• W• X• Y• Z
عدل- haak
- haberdasher
- habit
- habit, custom
- habit, practice
- habitable
- habitation
- habitual
- habitual, stock
- habitually
- hachet
- hack
- hacker
- hackneyed
- haddock
- hades
- hades, hell
- hag
- hagbut
- haggard
- haggard
- haggle
- haggle, palter
- hig-taper
- hagseed
- hagship
- hag-taper
- hague
- hig-taper
- haguebut
- hah
- ha-ha
- Haidingerite
- haiduck
- haik
- haikal
- hail
- hail
- hail
- hail-fellow
- hailse
- hailshot
- hailstone
- hailstorm
- haily
- hain
- hain't
- hair
- hair grass, trim
- hairbell
- hairbird
- hair, bob
- hair bracket
- hairbrained
- hairbreadth
- hair-brown
- hairbrush
- hair-brush
- hair cells
- haircloth
- hair compass
- haircut
- hair-cut
- hairdo
- hair-do
- hair-dresser
- hairdresser
- hair-dressing
- hairdressing
- hair-dryer
- hairdryer
- haired
- hairen
- hair glove
- hair grass
- hairiness
- hair lace
- hairless
- hairless
- hair line
- hair moth
- harinet
- hair-net
- hair pencil
- hair-piece
- hairpiece
- hairpin
- hair plate
- hair powder
- hair pyrites
- hair-salt
- hair'sbreadth
- hair seal
- hair seating
- hair shirt
- hair sieve
- hair snake
- hair space
- hairsplitter
- hairsplitting
- hairspring
- hairstreak
- hairstyle
- hair-style:hair stroke
- hairstyle, bun
- hairstyle, bun
- hairstyle, pompadour
- hairtail
- hair trigger
- hairworm
- hairy
- hairy
- Haiti
- Haitian
- haje
- hake
- hake
- hake
- hake's-dame
- Haketon
- Hakim
- Hakim
- Halacha
- ha-lation
- halberd
- halberdier
- halberd-shaped
- halbertj
- Halcyon
- Halcyonian
- halcyonoid
- hale
- hale
- Halesia
- half
- half
- half a day
- half a dozen
- half and half
- half an hour
- half ape
- half-back
- half back
- half bent
- half binding
- half boarder
- halfbreed
- half-brother
- half-breadth plan
- half cadence
- half cap
- half cock
- half-caste
- halfcock
- halfcock notch
- half cocked
- halfcocked
- halfhearted
- halfhearted
- half-mast
- half hitch
- half hose
- half-pint
- half measure
- half note
- half pay
- half-price
- half price
- half round
- half round
- half shift
- half-sister
- half step
- half-term
- half tide
- halftime
- half-time
- half tint
- half truth
- halftime
- halfway
- halfwit
- half-year
- half-yearly
- halibut
- hallelujah
- hallelujah
- hallelujah
- hallelujah
- hallmark
- hallo
- hallowed
- halloween
- hallucination
- hallucinator
- hallucinatory
- hallux
- halm
- halma
- halo
- halogen
- halt
- halt
- halt
- halt, pull-in
- halt, pull-up
- halt, stand
- halter, muzzle
- halting
- halve
- ham
- ham-burger
- hammer
- hammer
- hammer-home
- hammer-in
- hammerhead
- hammock
- hamper
- hamper
- hamster
- hand
- hand
- hand
- hand held, fan
- hand out
- hand out, give-out
- hand out, give-out
- hand over
- hand over, give-up
- hand, pass-over
- hand-bag
- hand-book
- hand-brake
- hand-cart
- handcuff
- hand-cuffs
- handed
- hander
- hand-down
- hand-down
- handfast
- handfastly
- handfish
- handful
- hand-grenade
- hand-hole
- hand-hole plate
- handicap
- handi-cap
- handi-cap
- handi-capped
- handicapper
- handi-craft
- handicraft
- handi-craftsman
- handily
- handiness
- handiron
- handi-work
- handiwork
- handkercher
- hand-kerchief
- handkerchief
- handle, grip
- handle, grip
- handle, ply
- handle-bars
- handle-with-care
- handleable
- handless
- handling
- hand-made
- handmade
- handmaid
- handmaiden
- hand-out
- hand-over
- hand-pick
- hand-rail
- hand-round
- hands, clap
- hands, put-out
- handsel
- handsel Monday
- hand-shake
- handsome
- handsomely
- handsomeness
- handspike
- handspring
- hand-tight
- handwheel
- hand-winged
- handwriting
- handy
- handy-dandy
- hang
- hang, sling
- hangar
- hang-back
- hang-back
- hangbird
- hang-by
- hangdog
- hanger
- hanger
- hanger-on
- hanging
- hanging compass
- hanging garden
- hanging indentation
- hanging side
- hanging sleeves
- hanging stile
- hanging wall
- hang-man
- hangman
- hangmanship
- hangnail
- hangnest
- hang-on
- hang-out
- hangover
- hang-over
- hang ten
- hang-up
- hang-up
- hank
- hanker-after
- haphazard
- haphazard
- Haplochitonidæ
- happen
- happen
- happening
- happiness
- happy
- happy - year, new
- happy medium
- happy, bright
- happy landing
- happy, pleased
- happy-go-lucky
- hapuku
- haquebut
- hara-kiri
- harangue
- harangueful
- haranguer
- harass
- harassment
- harbor-master
- harbour, port
- hard
- hard beef fat, suet
- hard cover
- hard labor
- hard skin, corn
- hard time, ordeal
- hard, strongly
- hard-back
- hardboard
- hard-currency
- harden
- hardened offender
- hard-headed
- hard-headed
- hard-headed
- hard-headed
- hard-hearted
- hard-hearted
- hardle, knob
- hardly
- hardship
- hardship
- hardware-shop
- hard-working
- hare
- harebell
- harebrained
- hari-kari
- haricot
- harm, hurt
- harm, hurt
- harm, injure
- harm, injure
- harm, injure
- harm, injury
- harm, injury
- harm, injury
- harm, loss
- harm, mischief
- harmagedon
- harmful
- harmful
- harmful, mischievous
- harmless
- harmless
- harmonic
- harmonica, mouthorgan
- harmonious
- harmonize
- harmony
- harness
- harness
- harp
- harpoon
- harpoon
- harpsichord
- harrow
- harrow
- harrowing
- harrowing
- harvest
- harvest
- hashish
- hastate
- haste
- hasten
- hastily
- hasty
- hat
- hatch
- hatch, breed
- hatchet
- hate
- hate
- hate
- hateful
- hatred
- hatred, animosity
- haughty
- haughty
- haughty, lordly
- haul
- haul
- haul
- haul
- haul, pull
- haulage
- haulage-contractor
- haulm
- haunch
- haunt
- haunted house
- have
- have - in, faith
- have - to, recourse
- have a - in one's throat, lump
- have a bath, bathe
- have a cold
- have a good - of, opinion
- have a lisp
- have a nap
- have a sore throat
- have a temperature
- have an effect
- have an effect, tell
- have breakfast
- have compassion, sympathize
- have fun
- have got to, get
- have in common, share
- have need of, need
- have prospect of, overlook
- have sensation, feel
- have something in mind
- have supper
- have to - with, do
- have to - with, do
- have use of, enjoy
- haver-sack
- have-to
- have-to
- having a job, employed
- having superiority, advantage
- havoc
- haw
- haw-haw
- hawaii
- hawaiian
- hawk
- hawker
- hawthorn
- hay
- hayduck
- hay fever
- hayfever
- haystack
- Haytian
- haywire
- hazard
- hazardous
- hazel
- hazelnut
عدل- he
- head
- headache
- head for
- headgear
- heading
- head-light
- head-line
- head-long
- head-master
- head-mistress
- head-off
- head-on
- head-on
- head-out
- head-phone
- head-quarters
- head-set
- head-strong
- head-way
- heal
- heal
- heal, cure
- heal, cure
- health
- health
- health
- healthy, fit
- healthy, fit
- healthy, sound
- heap
- heap
- heap up
- heap, pile
- hear about
- hear out
- hearing aid
- hearsay
- hearse
- heart
- heart attack
- heartbeat
- heartbroken
- heartfelt
- hearth
- heartily
- heartless
- hearty
- heat
- heat up
- heated
- heater
- heath
- heathen
- heathen, gentile
- heather
- heating
- heat-wave
- heave
- heave
- heaven
- heavy
- heavy sea
- he-bear, bear
- hebrew
- heckle
- hectare
- hectic
- hedge
- hedge
- hedge
- hedge
- hedge, fence
- hedge, fence
- hedgehog
- heed
- heed
- heedless, care-free
- heel
- heel
- hefty
- heiduc
- heiduck
- heighten
- heinous
- heir
- heir-loom
- helicopter
- helium
- hell
- hellish
- hellish
- hello
- hello
- hello, hi
- hello, hullo
- helm
- helmet
- help, assist
- help, lift
- helper
- helper, assistant
- helpless
- helpless
- hem
- hem
- hem trimming, border
- hemisphere
- hemlock
- hemlock spruce, spruce
- hemolysis
- hemorrhage, haemorrhage
- hemorrhoids, piles
- hemp
- hen
- hence-forth
- hence-forth
- henceforth, hence-forward
- henceforth, hence-forward
- henchman
- henna
- her
- herald
- herald
- heraldry
- heraldry, crest
- heraldry, device
- heraldry, rampant
- heraldry, shield
- herb
- herb, sage
- herbal, tea
- herd
- herdsman, herdman
- here
- hereafter
- here-and-there
- here-are
- hereditary
- heredity
- here-is
- heresy
- heretic
- hereto
- heretofore
- herewith
- heritage
- hermit
- heroic
- heroin
- heroine
- heroism
- heron
- herring
- hers
- herself, self
- hesitant
- hesitate
- hesitate, dither
- hesitate, falter
- hesitation
- hetero-
- heterogeneous
- Heteroptera
- heterosexual
- hexa-
- hexadecimal
- hexagon
- hexagonal
- hey
- heyduk
عدل- hiatus
- hibernate
- hibernation
- hiccup
- hidden meaning story, allegory
- hide
- hide, conceal
- hide, conceal
- hide, conceal
- hideous
- hideous
- hiding
- hiding-place
- hierarchy
- hig
- hig-taper
- high
- high boot, boot
- high degree
- high office, rank
- high school
- high tea
- high tide
- high, plateau
- highbrow
- highest bidder
- highest, top
- high-fidelity
- high-frequency
- high-grade
- high-handed
- high-handed
- highland
- highland plover
- highlands
- highlight
- highlight
- highlight
- highly
- highness
- highpitched
- high-spirited
- high-street
- high-tide
- highway
- hijack
- hijack
- hijacker
- hike
- hike
- hiker
- hiker, rambler
- hiking, rambling
- hilarious
- hilarious
- hilarity, cheer
- hill
- hillbird
- hill-top
- hillock
- hilltop
- hilly
- hilly
- himself, self
- hind
- hinder
- hinder, prevent
- hind-leg
- hindrance
- hindrance, drag
- hind-sight
- hindu
- hindu, pundit
- hinge
- hint
- hint, tip
- hip
- hip-hop
- hip hop
- hippopotamus
- hippy
- hire
- hire a charter
- hire fee
- hire, charter
- hire, engage
- hirer
- hiring
- hiring, engagement
- his
- his
- hiss
- hiss
- hist, thug
- historian
- historic
- historical
- historically
- history
- hit back
- hit out
- hit, belt
- hit, blow
- hit, chop
- hit, punch
- hit, strike
- hit, strike
- hit, stroke
- hit, tap
- hit, tap
- hitch
- hitch-hike
- hitch-hiking
- hither
- hitherto, up-to-now
- hitherto
- hive
- hives, urticaria
عدل- hoard
- hoarfrost, frost
- hoarse
- hoarseness
- hoax
- hoax, trick
- hobble
- hobby
- hock
- hockey
- ho-dog
- hoe
- hog
- hoist
- hold an opinion about, think-of
- hold on to, keep
- hold out against, withstand
- hold up, bear
- hold valuable, value
- hold, grip
- hold, keep
- hold, keep
- hold-all
- hold-back
- holder, container
- holder, rack
- hold-in
- hold-in
- hold-off
- hold-on
- hold-on
- hold-out
- hold-out
- hole in the head, trepannation
- hole, drill
- holiday
- holiday resort
- holiday, recess
- holiday-maker
- holiness
- Holland
- Holland gin
- hollow
- hollow
- hollow form, mold mou-
- hollow-out
- holly
- holster
- holy
- holy communion
- holy spirit holy - , ghost
- homage
- home coming
- home coming
- home, house
- home, house
- homeland
- homemade
- homepage
- homesick
- homesickness
- homesickness
- homesickness
- homework
- homicidal
- homopolymer
- homosexual
- homosexual, gay
- honest
- honest, straight
- honestly
- honesty
- honey
- honey-comb
- honey-moon
- honey-suckle
- honorable
- honoured, honorary
- hoodlum
- hoodwink
- hoodwink
- hoof
- hook
- hook
- hook
- hooligan
- hooliganism
- hoop
- hoop
- hop
- hop-hop
- hop-thumb
- hope
- hope
- hope, faith
- hopeful
- hopscotch
- horde
- horizon
- horizontal
- horizontally
- hormone
- horologist
- hogology
- horoscope
- horrendous, frightful
- horrendous, horrid
- horrible
- horrible, horrid
- horrible, horrid
- horrify
- horror
- hors-d'oeuvre
- horse
- horse, hack
- horse, mount
- horse, outsider
- horse, pony
- horseback
- horsedrawn, cab
- horseflesh
- horse-man
- horsepower
- horse-power
- horse-racing
- horseradish
- horse-radish
- horses, manage
- horseshoe
- horse-shoe
- horseshow
- horse-show
- horticultural
- horticulture
- hose
- hose-down
- hosiery
- hospice
- hospice care
- hospitable
- hospitable
- hospital
- hospitality
- hospitality, entertainment
- hospitalize
- host, entertain
- hostage
- hostage
- hostel
- hostess
- hostile
- hostile
- hostile, inimical
- hot
- hot, heated
- hot-blooded
- hot-blooded
- hotdog
- hotel
- hotel, motel
- hotelier
- hotelier
- hot-headed
- hot-headed
- hot-house
- hotness, heat
- hot-plate
- hot-tempered
- hot-water
- hound
- hounds, pack
- hour
- hourly
- house of -s, common
- house, haunted
- house, move
- house-boat
- house-breaker
- house-breaking
- house-hold
- house-keeping
- house-maid
- house-of-commons
- house-of-lords
- house-of-representatives
- house-proud
- house-wife
- house-work
- hover
- hover
- hover
- hover
- hovercraft
- hovering, poised
- how
- how
- how - are you, old
- how - is it, much
- how - sugar, much
- how - you do
- how many
- how often
- how shall a young man cleanse his own way, shall
- how-are- you
- however, any how
- howl
- how-long
- how-many
- how-much
- how-old-is-he
عدل- hub
- huddle
- hue
- huff
- hug
- huge
- hulk
- hull
- hum
- human
- human being
- humane
- humanism
- humanitarian
- humanity
- humanize
- human-nature
- humble
- humble
- humble, modest
- humdrum
- humdrum
- humdrum
- humid
- humiliate
- humiliation
- humility
- humility, modesty
- humorist
- humorous
- humour, mood
- hump
- hunch
- hunch
- hunch-back
- hundred
- hundredth
- hundredth
- hungarian
- hungarian
- hunger
- hunger
- hunger-strike
- hungry
- hunt
- hunt, chase
- hunt, chase
- hunt, pursue
- hunt-down
- hunted, game
- hunted, game
- hunter
- hunter
- hunting
- hunting
- hunting
- hunting party, hunt
- hunting, quarry
- hunt-out
- hunts-man
- hurdle
- hurl
- hurrah
- hurricane
- hurry
- hurry, buck-up
- hurry, hustle
- hurry, rush
- hurry-away
- hurt
- hurt, offend
- hurt, smart
- hurting, painfll
- husband
- hush
- husk
- husky
- hustle
- hut
- hut, cabin
- hut, shanty
- hutch
عدل- hyacinth
- hyacinthine
- hybrid
- hydracid
- hydrant
- hydraulic
- hydroelectric
- hydrogen
- hydrogen-bomb
- hydrogen nitrate
- hydrogen sulphate
- hyena
- hygiene
- hygienic
- hymen
- hymn
- hymnbook
- hyoid
- hyoid bone
- hype
- hype
- hyperaction
- hyperactive
- hyperactivity
- hyperglycemia
- hyperkalemia
- hypoglycemia
- hypokalemia
- hypericum, st john's wort
- hyperion
- hypertension
- hyphen
- hyphenate
- hypnosis
- hypnotism
- hypnotist
- hypnotize
- hypochondria
- hypochondriac
- hypocrisy
- hypocrite
- hypocritical
- hypodermic
- hypothesis
- hypothetical
- hypothetically
- hysterectomy
- hysteria
- hysterical
- hysterically
- hysterics