ويكاموس:فهرس إنكليزي n
A• B• C• D• E• F• G• H• I• J• K• L• M• N• O• P• Q• R• S• T• U• V• W• X• Y• Z
عدل- n, tyre
- nadir
- nag
- nagging
- nail
- nail biter
- nail biting
- nail, stud
- nail, tack
- nailbrush
- nailfile
- nail polish
- nail varnish
- naive
- naïve
- naive girl, ingenue
- naive, unsophisticated
- naivete
- Nak Nak
- naked
- naked, bare
- nakedness
- naked seed
- namby-pamby
- name
- name
- name, call
- nameless
- namely
- namesake
- namespace
- nano
- nanometer
- nanosecond
- nanny-goat
- nap
- nap, siesta
- napalm
- napkin
- naples
- nappy
- narcotic
- narcotic
- narrate
- narration
- narrative
- narrative
- narrative, story
- narrator
- narrow
- narrow-minded
- narrowness
- narrows
- nasal
- nasally
- naseberry
- nastily
- nastiness
- nasturtium
- nasty
- nasty, horrid
- nasty, snappy
- nation
- nation, land
- nation, people
- national
- national
- national anthem
- national-anthem
- national-insurance
- nationalism
- nationalist
- nationality
- nationalization
- nationally
- national-service
- nationwide
- native
- native
- native-country
- native-language
- nativity
- natlonalize
- natural
- natural
- natural, birth
- natural, birth
- natural, knob
- natural-gas
- naturalization
- naturalize
- naturally
- nature
- naught
- naughtiness
- naughty
- nausea
- nauseate
- nauseating
- nauseating, sickly
- naut measurement, sounding
- naut, destroyer
- naut, dock
- naut, dock
- naut, down
- naut, list
- naut, list
- naut, sound
- naut, steward
- naut, tack
- naut, turn
- naut, wheel
- nautical
- naval
- naval, squadron
- nave
- nave a, steamship
- navel
- navigate
- navigate, sail
- navigation
- navigation, sailing
- navigator
- navvy
- navy
- navy-blue
عدل- near
- near, by
- near, close
- near, draw-up
- near, off
- nearby
- near-by
- nearby, near
- near-east
- nearing, approach
- nearly
- nearsighted
- nebula
- nebulous
- necessary
- necessitate
- necessity
- necklace
- necktie
- nectar
- nee
- need, require
- need, take
- need, want
- needful
- needle
- needle medicine, acupuncture
- needless
- needlework
- needy
- needy unfortunate, poor
- nefarious
- neg
- negate
- negative
- Negative theorem
- neglect
- neglected, unkempt
- negligence
- negligent
- negligible
- negotiate
- negotiation
- negotiator
- negress
- negro
- neigh
- neighborhood
- neighbor-on
- neighbouring
- neighrorly
- neither
- neithernor
- neocolonialism
- neocolonialist
- neologism
- neon
- nephew
- nepotism
- nerve
- nerve-racking
- nervous
- nervous axis
- nervous-breakdown
- nervousness
- nervous-system
- nervy
- nest
- nest
- nestle
- net
- net
- nettle, urtica
- nettle-rash
- network
- neuralgia
- neuromere
- neuropter
- neuroptera
- neuropteral
- neuropteran
- neuropteris
- neuropterous
- neurosensiferous
- neurosis
- neuroskeletal
- neuroskeleton
- neurospast
- neurotic
- neurotome
- neurotomical
- neurotomist
- neurotomy
- neurula
- neuter
- neuter
- neuter
- neuter first of two, former
- neuter, spade
- neutral
- neutralist
- neutrality
- neutralize
- neutrally
- neutron
- Nevadite
- never
- never mind
- never-ending
- never-mind
- nevermore
- nevertheless
- nevertheless, however
- nevertheless, however
- nevertheless, however
- new
- new, fresh
- newborn
- newborn, baby
- newcomer
- newly
- new-moon
- newness
- news
- news, stale
- news-agency
- news-agent
- news beat
- newsbeat
- news-bulletin
- Newscenter
- Newscentre
- newspaper
- newspaper, daily
- newspaper, paper
- news-reel
- newsreel
- news-stand
- newsstand
- news watch
- newswatch
- newt
- new-testament
- new-year's-day
- new-year's-eve
- new-York
- new-Zealand
- next
- next to, beside
- next, then
- next-day
- next-door
- next-of-kin
- next-to
- next-to-last
- next-to-nothing
عدل- nibble
- nice, attractive
- nicely
- niceness
- nice-touch
- niche
- niche, recess
- nick
- nickel
- nickel-plated
- nickname
- nicotine
- niece
- Nigerian
- niggardly
- night
- night-club
- night-dress
- night-fall
- nightingale
- nightly
- night-mape
- night-shift
- night-shirt
- night-time
- night-watchman
- nil
- nimble
- nimble, agile
- nimbleness
- nimbus, halo
- nincompoop
- nine
- ninebillionth
- ninehundredth
- ninemillionth
- nineoctillionth
- ninequadrillionth
- ninequintillionth
- nineseptillionth
- ninesextillionth
- nineteen
- nineteenth
- ninethousandth
- ninetieth
- ninetrillionth
- ninety
- ninny
- ninth
- niobate
- Niobe
- Niobium
- nipple
- nitric
- nitric acid
- nitric oxide
- nitro
- nitrogen
- nitroglycerine
- nitwit
عدل- no
- no matter how, any how
- no matter which way, however
- no more-than
- noah's Ark
- nobility
- noble
- nobleman
- nobody
- nobody else
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- nod
- nod
- node
- noise
- noise
- noise, boom
- noise, crack
- noise, crackling
- noise, crunch
- noise, flop
- noise, racket
- noise, rattle
- noise, smash
- noise, sound
- noisy
- noisy, loud
- no-longer
- nomad
- nomadic
- nomenclature
- nominal
- nominally
- nominate
- nomination
- nominatial
- nominative
- nominatively
- nominee
- nomothetic
- nomothetical
- no-more
- nonacceptance
- nonability
- non-aggression pact
- non-appearance, default
- non-attendance
- nonchalance
- nonchalant
- non-combattant
- non-committal
- non-commlssioned
- nonconformist
- nondescript
- none
- none the less
- nonentity
- nonentity, nobody
- none-such
- none-the-less
- non-existence
- non-existent
- non-fiction
- non-flammable
- non-jew, gentile
- non-jew, gentile
- non-jewish, gentile
- non-jewish, gentile
- non-member
- non-negotiable
- non-observance
- non-official
- non-pareil
- non-partisan
- non-party
- non-payment
- nonplus
- nonplussed
- non-profitmaking
- nonsense
- nonsense, rubbish
- nonsensical
- nonsensically
- non-smoking
- non-stop
- non-stop
- non-taxable
- non-voting
- noogie
- noon
- no-one
- noose
- nor
- nor'easter
- norm
- norm, standard
- norm, yardstick
- normal
- normalcy
- normality
- normally
- Norman
- Norman
- Normandy
- Norse
- north
- North American
- North American
- northeast
- north-east
- northeastern
- northeastern hemisphere
- northern
- northern hemisphere
- northerner
- northern lights
- northland
- north pole
- north star
- northwest
- north-west
- northwestern
- northwestern hemisphere
- Norway
- Norway haddock
- Norwegian
- Norwegian
- nosebleed
- nostalgia
- nostalgic
- nostril
- not
- not a soul
- not abstract, concrete
- not any
- not any more
- not anywhere
- not at all
- not beautiful, plain
- not bridled, unchecked
- not changed in appearance, undisguised
- not clear, fuzzy
- not closed, open
- not coarse, fine
- not coarse, fine
- not curved, straight
- not dark, light
- not defended, unguarded
- not dense, fine
- not dense, fine
- not dense, thin
- not deserved, unearned
- not double not complicated, simple
- not drunk, sober
- not easy, hard
- not easy, hard
- not expert, unskilled
- not fact, fiction
- not fast, slow
- not fear, shrink-from
- not fire, misfire
- not fresh, stale
- not glossy, dull
- not hard, soft
- not heavy, light
- not in the least
- not long, short
- not many, few
- not married, single
- not moved, unemotional
- not near, off
- not odd, even
- not only
- not replied to, unanswered
- not shortened, unabridged
- not smooth not regular, uneven
- not smooth, rough
- not smoothened not refined, unpolished
- not so dark, lighter
- not so heavy, lighter
- not soft, hard
- not solid, hollow
- not starboard, port
- not thinned down, undiluted
- not to see much beyond one's nose
- not town, country
- not used to, unaccustomed
- not verified not under control, unchecked
- not wide, narrow
- not witty, witless
- not worked for, unearned
- not working, idle
- not written, unwritten
- not yet
- not yet
- not young not new, old
- notable
- notable feature, land-mark
- notation
- notch
- notch
- note
- note
- note, gloss
- note, mark
- note, message
- notebook
- noted
- note-down
- notepaper
- noteworthy
- nothing
- nothing else
- notice
- notice, remark
- notice, report
- notice, spot
- notice-board
- notification
- notification, notice
- notify
- notion
- not-only but-also
- notoriety
- notorious
- notwithstanding
- notwithstanding, even
- noun
- nourish
- nourishing
- nourishing, alimental
- nourishment
- novel
- novelist
- novelty
- novelty, fad
- November
- novice
- nowadays
- now-and-then
- nowhere
- nowhere near
- nowise
- noxious
- nozzle
عدل- nuance
- nuance, shade
- Nubia
- Nubian
- nuclear
- nuclear-energy
- nucleus
- nucleus, core
- nude
- nudge
- nudist
- nudity
- nugget
- null
- null disabled, invalid
- null-and-void
- nullify
- numb
- number
- number six
- number sixteen
- number, figure
- numberless
- numbskull
- numeness
- numeral
- numeral, eight
- numeral, eleven
- numeral, four
- numeral, four-teen
- numeral, one
- numeric
- numerical
- numerically
- numerous
- Numidian
- numskull
- nun
- nunnery
- nuptial
- nuptials
- nurse, look-after
- nurse, nanny
- nursery
- nursery-rhyme
- nursing-home
- nut
- nutcrackers
- nuthatch
- nutmeg
- nutriment
- nutritlon
- nutshell